Welcome to Nicewicz Peonies at Nicewicz Family Farm! We are obsessed with peonies and grow over 100 varieties on our small family farm in Bolton, Massachusetts. We are within easy driving distance of both Boston and Worcester, and also not far from Providence, Rhode Island.
We sell cut peonies in season, both at the farm and via a few area florists, and for a short time in mid-May we offer pre-sales of 3-week peony subscriptions here on the website, with delivery starting a few weeks later.
Once the season is underway we open our farmstand in Bolton for on-site sales, which usually happens for two or three weeks in early June. Once we open, our hours should be Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-6pm and weekends from noon-2pm, sometimes with a few late-breaking special events thrown into the mix. (Check back to confirm we’re open before heading out though!)
Nicewicz Family Farm, 116 Sawyer Road, Bolton, Massachusetts
You can sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page for all the major updates, and you can also follow us on instagram @nicewiczpeonies, or on facebook @NicewiczFamilyFarm, for more frequent updates.
It's a glorious season but the whole thing is always over in a flash - so far we've never made it past the third week of June. So follow us now, and stop by once the season gets rolling, we love meeting fellow peony lovers!
STATUS UPDATE (June 18, 2024): We're saying so long to peony season for this year - as always it was short but sweet! We still have a few bunches left in the self-service cooler as of this morning but we won't be having regular farmstand hours again until next year, so it's time to cherish those last side buds if you have any left :) Thank you to everyone who came out, and to everyone who helped us with the harvest this year, we loved our time with all of you and look forward to seeing you again next year!
Note we currently do NOT offer pick-your-own peonies, peony plants or roots, nor do we ship cut flowers - sorry!
Below is a subset of the varieties we grow. Clicking on any of the images will bring up a larger version in a scrollable slideshow format. (Click the X in the upper right corner to return to normal viewing.)