Let us know how we can help you by filling out the contact form below!
We are fairly responsive leading up to the regular season, but less so during the height of the season (late May/early June), when we are so busy that we can barely find the time to eat, so contact us as early as possible.
IMPORTANT: Please do not call the farm phone on peony-related business since it doubles as a home phone and is not attended by peony people. Use the contact form instead!
If you’re inquiring about peonies for weddings or other occasions, be aware that we are unable to make advance commitments for those. We don’t know in advance when our season will actually start, nor what our availability will be for particular dates. Your best approach in these cases is to check in with us in person during published farmstand hours about a week in advance, and to have a backup plan in place in case we are unable to accomodate your needs.
Note that our replies will be in the form of an email message, so make a note of our email address on the confirmation page that pops up when you submit this form, and add us to your contacts so that replies from us don’t get filed to your junk mail .
We are located in Massachusetts, about 20 miles from Worcester, 45 miles from Boston, and 60 miles from Providence, Rhode Island.
Click on the red location icon on the map below to open a more detailed - but not exact - view in a new window. We’re a bit challenging to locate but worth the effort!
Nicewicz Family Farm, 116 Sawyer Road, Bolton, Massachusetts 01740